Guigrapenin Admin replied

338 weeks ago

Apocalypse Z Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download

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646f9e108c A bacteriological weapon developed by the US Government to create a super soldier - spreads an epidemic in a quiet little town in the middle of Eastern Europe. All citizens have been turned into infected zombies. The plan is to bring an atomic bomb into the city's nuclear plant to pretend a terrible accident occurred. No one has to know the truth. A team of mercenaries is hired to complete the mission. The battle is on. Hordes of monsters against the team. WHO WILL SURVIVE?
A team of soldiers who are assembled to help end a zombie outbreak in a Romanian town.
You would think a movie made in 2013 and is about zombies has to be at least o.k, and have common sense, but this is like a 70&#39;s cult classic shot with HD cameras. Even then, I think THAT would be a compliment. Let me spoil this for ya, because if I don&#39;t you will waste your damn sweet time here on this earth. This is my top 5 reasons …<br/><br/>5. The zombie makeup looks awesome (which is where the budget went shot), but when they all come out you could tell there is a zit-faced teen inside the costume. They act like they were all scary but c&#39;mon man! The Thriller video had scarier zombies than this.<br/><br/>4. The crew that you first think are the foreign terrorists, turns out to be the All-American military task force you are supposed to be rooting for. They all have an accent from every corner of the globe, and are supposed to all have special and unique expertise in killing. But when they join forces as a team, they act like they were only cub scouts. <br/><br/>3. Everyone has a one-liner. It&#39;s like they all competed to have the last line for a commercial if it would be in one. It was full of it Terminator 2 style. Or Expendables, even though I haven&#39;t really seen it, but I could imagine the dialogue in that movie.<br/><br/>2. It is so predictable, you feel like you&#39;re watching this for the second time, but wanna feel like you never even bothered. This is what happens when a young and fresh college graduate from film school, who grew up liking Justin Bieber pop-type music gets his first shot at directing, producing and writing a movie with help from his buddies who studies Business Administration. <br/><br/>1. The President of the U.S.A looks and sounds like a Dutch Techno nightclub owner in a spandex muscle shirt. <br/><br/>If this movie was serious, then please don&#39;t watch this. If you do, then wait until you might see it for free on youtube if the Chiller channel passes on it.
The usual bottom-feeding zombie guff, made by the couple of Italians who also did a Nazi-themed sequel, Reich OF THE DEAD. I saw that first and wasn&#39;t impressed, but it&#39;s still substantially better than this appallingly poor low budget effort that lacks heart and grace.<br/><br/>We all know that cheap zombie films are ten a penny these days so they have to really stand out to make an impression. APOCALYPSE Z features some of the poorest zombie actors I can remember seeing; they don&#39;t lurch or shamble, they just walk or run around like regular people. A half-decent make-up job is the only saving grace these &#39;walkers&#39; have.<br/><br/>Where the film particularly falls down is in the calibre of the acting. The characters are all over the top and saddled with outrageous mannerisms that makes them feel cartoonish. The plot is virtually non-existent, although I appreciate that the film does have a clean digital feel to it and given the right story and set-up it might have been half decent. Instead, it alternates between being very silly and very dull.

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